Read about 7 best resources for entrepreneurs


Being an entrepreneur is all about having the power of knowledge. Knowledge can be derived from anywhere, and as an entrepreneur, it is obligatory to soak it in, process it, and turn it to your use. The best blogs for entrepreneurs are those that not only bring academic knowledge to the table but also something more valuable than that - practical knowledge.

Thus, to help you know your field and everything about entrepreneurship better, here is a list of the 7 best resources for entrepreneurs.

Hootsuite: For any entrepreneur, a social media presence is of paramount importance. However, building a social media presence that speaks to the audience isn't quite as easy. Hootsuite is a blog that not only decodes myriad social media algorithms to help you stand out but also comes up with innovative ways to grow yourself as a brand. If you are looking to promote yourself on social media, but are unsure where to start, learning all about it is a good place. Hootsuite in this case can help you with it.

7 Habits of Highly Successful People: The title possibly says it all! This book on personal changes teaches entrepreneurs how they can be productive by bringing in personal changes in their habits and attitude. After all, entrepreneurship is all about productivity!

The E Myth Revisited: This book by Michael Gerber reflects the struggles a business faces. As much as we hate to face the fact that not all startups make it to the top, this book gives us deep insights into the biggest question - 'Why?' The resource can be put to great use to understand why startups fail and what all you should NOT be doing that can doom your business to death.

Coursera: More than a resource, Coursera is a platform that links you to renowned universities to help you grasp the knowledge you require to survive in the world of business. 

The Lean Startup: This book by Eric Ries rarely ever grows old when it comes to entrepreneurs and startups. It has plenty of meaningful insights into how you can not only survive in the tough business but also constantly adapt according to the inevitable problems every entrepreneur faces.

Startups: What can be better than learning from a pro? This is why Startups is one of the best blogs for entrepreneurs. Started by Dharmesh Shah, the co-founder of Hubspot, the blog has all resources and ample learning material to teach you about potential conditions, situations, remote work, and tricks to get your startup up and running.

Acceleration: The one thing no entrepreneur can turn their backs to is THE LAW. This is where Acceleration comes to play. One of the best resources for entrepreneurs, Acceleration helps entrepreneurs understand the ins and outs of company law and vital legal issues associated with companies. Written by Ryan Roberts, this book is a vital stack for every startup and business, since, understanding and having legal knowledge is an essential facet to a company's growth.

Do check best blogs on business entrepreneurs on our website.


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