
Showing posts from April, 2021

5 Best Scholarships for Startups

Chances are that if you're reading this, you need 'that' push to go build something of your own - a startup, and there is no better push than a startup scholarship. No matter which business consultant you visit, funding is a word that will roll off their tongues multiple times. Scholarships for startups can be the key to those fundings you need to set up your startup. To help you get a better idea of the best startup scholarships, here is a list of the 5 best startup scholarships starting with the Stephen Semprevivo Startup Scholarship. 1. Stephen Semprevivo Startup Scholarship : A scholarship program by the famous business consultant Stephen Semprevivo, this startup scholarship is much unlike the others, in all the positive ways. The achievement-based scholarship awards the selected students $2500 and 20 hours of assistance to help out with their business strategy. It does not only strongly support your innovative ideas, but on the even brighter side, the scholarship do

Read about 7 best resources for entrepreneurs

  Being an entrepreneur is all about having the power of knowledge. Knowledge can be derived from anywhere, and as an entrepreneur, it is obligatory to soak it in, process it, and turn it to your use. The best blogs for entrepreneurs are those that not only bring academic knowledge to the table but also something more valuable than that - practical knowledge. Thus, to help you know your field and everything about entrepreneurship better, here is a list of the 7 best resources for entrepreneurs . ● Hootsuite : For any entrepreneur, a social media presence is of paramount importance. However, building a social media presence that speaks to the audience isn't quite as easy. Hootsuite is a blog that not only decodes myriad social media algorithms to help you stand out but also comes up with innovative ways to grow yourself as a brand. If you are looking to promote yourself on social media, but are unsure where to start, learning all about it is a good place. Hootsuite in this case ca

How Angel entrepreneur helps your startup in networking during COVID -19?

  Networking Step by Step for startups is like kale in a smoothie for a fitness junkie - they can't go without it. Most often, we perceive networking as this 'go out, talk nice, meet many people, and get as many business cards as you can' thing. Still, in truth, networking is all about understanding you would want to work with in the future and building lasting relationships with them.   However, with the unfortunate global pandemic of COVID enveloping the world and affecting businesses, it can get difficult multiple times to be effectively doing business networking. This is where the angel and entrepreneur network steps in. The angel entrepreneur understands that being socially distant can be tough to network with businesses, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop networking even during the pandemic. Here is how the Angel entrepreneur helps your startup in networking during COVID-19. 1. They help you engage in social Zooms. Yes, it's the onset of the new digital age